I will probably tell you a lot you already know – A great wise man once said “Be doers of the word, not hearers only, otherwise you deceive yourself.” – James 1:22 ... even I don't do what I know at times!
Your mind and body is ALWAYS a reflection of your spirit realm or thought realm. “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7
Ignorance (a lack of knowledge or understanding) leads to worry and doubt, which leads to fear, which leads to depression, lack, poverty in every area of ones life, sickness, even death.
All depression and hopelessness come from the mind being in chaos or lack of order. For example, chaos in our financial thoughts leads to financial lack; chaos in our in our health thoughts lead to disease and sickness; chaos in our vision leads to depression. This may seem logical and simple, but if only the world would grasp it with understanding!
To change our results from lack to abundance, we must first create order in our mind. This was God’s first act of creation: To create order on this formless void planet. (Genesis 1:2)
The Apostle Paul said in Romans that you have to renew you mind. "Do not be conformed to this world, fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs, but be transformed (changed) by the entire renewal of your mind, by its new ideas and its new attitude, so that you may prove for yourself what is the perfect, acceptable and good will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect in His sight for you." - Romans 12:2
What Paul was saying is don’t be like the world around you, your present circumstances and environment; but rather change what you think about and focus on, create your perfect life with your God given gift of imagination and hold that image with your will until your mind is renewed, just like God did when He created this world.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish." - Proverbs 29:18. No wonder we life in a generation of frustrated people, most have no vision for their life, or at best a confused or negative vision.
The way we feel and act is always according to our subconscious images, whether we know, understand or believe it or not. Therefore our results in every area of our lives are because of our thoughts! And because we can control our thoughts we are also responsible for our results.
All creation waits for our thoughts so it can evolve at a faster pace - yet it cannot go backwards. So if we continually look backwards at our past results or even at our present results the world around us continues to move forward but we get 'stuck' or cannot move forward.
“All creation waits with eager longing for its revealing though the sons of God.” – Romans 8:19. How exciting – that creation itself is waiting for us, for what God has to reveal through us. Most people though are still looking backwards in pain or forward in fear rather than in excited expectation of revelation now.
It is very easy to tell where a person is by what they speak out. We always speak what we believe. While people continue to speak out their lack, poverty, sickness or being stuck, they will remain there!
The answer is simple: "If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you will be saved." That is not just some Christian belief for eternal salvation ... it is a universal law, God's law of creation from the beginning of time, it's the gift all human's where given so that they can create "heaven on earth". Jesus tried to teach the world of this basic fact, yet most will deny Him and continue to live hell on earth because they do not listen. He said, "They have ears but do not hear." - The kingdom is within you!!
Why am I telling you this?
Let me put it another way:
1. VISION - you MUST have a clear vision of how you want your life to be. This is where most people miss it. Without a vision you WILL perish, you will never achieve your dreams & goals. Get REALLY clear on every aspect of your life; write it out in present tense and in vivid detail. Write and Speak only in terms of your new life.
2. PURPOSE - Why do you want it? How does your new life feel? Who is proud of you?
3. FAITH - Knowing that it is already yours! "When you pray, pray believing that it already is yours, and it WILL be yours." - Mark 11:24 Again, never speak about what you don't want or complain about you 'lot in life' - ONLY speak about what is yours to come but as if you already have it!
4. GRATITUDE - Gratitude moves us closer to the source. Give ALL the glory to God as He gives all things to you, even your very breath. James said even be grateful for your challenges because mixed with faith it creates in us endurance and patience! (James 1:2-4) Speaking gratitude always increases our faith - if ever you find yourself lacking faith speak out loud what you are grateful for, especially your new life.
5. ACTION - You have probably heard it before ... Faith without works is dead! Many people watch The Secret and then think all they have to do is sit at the kitchen table and hum, or buy a lotto ticket and they will be blessed with truckloads of money. It ain't gunna happen!! We must ‘ACT in accordance to our Faith.’ Jesus said "I only do what my father does."
What did His father do?
God looked at a world that was without form and void, and darkness we upon the face of the earth ... and He complained and said "Boy, its dark down there. What a mess. I'm stuck and that place is hopeless ... that place is still dark and void what is going on ... how come my life is always like this ... if only someone would help me fix it ... I'm going to quit ... Boy it'd dark down there!!!!!" No ... God said "Let there be light ... and there was light." - Genesis 1:3
You have the POWER of God in you, as a believer you can turn darkness into light ... you can speak truth and light to the darkness. Whatever mountain you are facing right now speak the truth to it. If you are not closing deals or getting more clients, if you don’t have a happy fulfilled relationship, if your bank account looks really sick ... don't tell anyone - just speak the truth you desire. If you are struggling financially, don't EVER speak about your poverty and lack, only speak about the wealth that is coming to you. If your relationship is not exactly how want it, speak exactly how it must be.
Jesus said "Be healed" and sickness departed! We must do what our Father does!
1. The first step is you create your new life ... use your imagination like you have never used it before; create a life of health, abundance and prosperity with no thought of how it is going to happen or fear that you can’t. Write down exactly how you want your new life in every aspect and detail. Be precise - don't just write I want more money or more clients, what exactly do you want?
2. Re-write your new life out EVERY day and put emotion in it ... this is the WHY or the purpose. Continue this every day for 28 days.
3. Speak out loud your new life with gratitude, knowing that it is done. Only ask for it once and from then on be grateful for having received it.
4. Take whatever actions you can at the present time towards receiving your new life - the most efficient action you can do each day is hold the image of your new life on the screen of your mind while continually giving praise and glory to God.
Much love and many blessings,
David Schirmer
P.S. Go to http://www.SignPostsToFreedom.com ... it is a FREE download of my 2-day Science of Getting Rich workshop ... it will change your life!
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Change Your Life ...
Posted by
David Schirmer
1:03 pm
Labels: david schirmer, Decide what you want, depression, God, poverty, The mind, the science of getting rich, the secret, wealth
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