Thursday 22 May 2008

How do I stop the discouraging thoughts?

A question I received today on my MySpace page:

—————– Original Message —————–

I met you at the Learning Annex in San Francisco and I showed you the book “Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” and you mentioned that was one of the books that started you on your way.

Your workshop was very informative and the concepts, I still remember and share with people. One question I have for you is, how should I overcome those subconscious mind negative emotions. Right now, I am really trying to walk into a new realm in my life with my career and yet there is mental noise distracting me.

Mostly the noise involves tittering over whether I would get a job or continue to move forward with promoting my businesses. I find it challenging to market the business ideas or make steps in unchartered territory because of the low self confidence based on being discouraged through out the years…how do I over come those internal obstacles? How do I believe in myself again? and most importantly how does it become real for me? Not only real emotionally but real financially?

Your thoughts?

————————– My Answer ———————-

Hi Jamila

Thank you for making contact with me again. The answer to your question is worth a book.
I wrote an article in the latest Succeed Magazine coming out in June that deals specifically with this challenge.

We keep reverting back to our old thought habits (subconscious paradigms) because we are trying to succeed or change by will power and with our intellect. It will never bring lasting change; we must change the very cause rather then try to change the symptom.

How would you act, what would you do, who would you be if life was absolutely perfect for you right now? If you had all the finances you required or wanted, if you had the perfect relationship, if you had perfect health, if your business was extremely successful and profitable …. How would you really be?

See the thing is you would not have a low self image or feel discouraged or lack belief in yourself if you already had life just like you dream it could be. Now move it out of the conscious mind into the subconscious, out of your intellect into your spirit (or heart).

You must believe and speak and think like the person you want to be before you can ever become that person. Archie Leach (great actor) once said “I acted like Cary Grant so long I became him.” You must create the image of your new life so vividly with your imagination, then hold it with your will, and speak the truth regardless of appearances, and act as if until the life you desire becomes your life! Then and only then will it become real for you.

Yours in abundance

David Schirmer

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