Wednesday 4 June 2008

The 7 Steps To Creating Abundance & Prosperity By Using Your Imagination

Like many of the Secret Teachers, I get a constant influx of emails regarding The Secret DVD and book. These days the comments are “I just watched The Secret DVD and it is amazing, thank you for your contribution” or “I’ve watched The Secret DVD over and over again, I try to do what it say and nothing has changed. What am I doing wrong?”

These questions certainly highlight missing links between The Secret movie and how to apply the Law of Attraction. Many people watch the movie, get all excited about manifesting abundance, think about a life of prosperity yet never take any action towards achieving it. It’s like sitting at the kitchen table and humming in meditation while expecting money to fall through the ceiling! It may be possible however we don’t seem to have evolved to that level of manifestation yet. Let me share a few key steps that you can do to massively speed up the manifesting of abundance and prosperity in your life. When I mention abundance and prosperity I mean in all areas of your life: Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Social and Financial.

Know Exactly What You Want

The biggest reason people keep getting poverty and lack in their lives and not having the abundance and prosperity they seek is they do not have a clear mental image of exactly how they want their live to be. Most people know what’s wrong in their lives and can give you a big long list; some even know how they don’t want their lives to be but very few know the perfect life they would like to live every day. By another name it is called a Vision – “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 28:19); perish into the grips of poverty, lack, sickness and fear.

I experienced this personally before I understood the law of attraction. I was over $50,000 in debt with no electricity and the phone switched off because I couldn’t pay the bills, no job, no education, on social security benefits and a wife and four children to feed. Every day I focused on the bills coming in the mail and how much money we didn’t have. I felt paralysed with the fear of poverty and couldn’t see a way out. (The fear of poverty is the most distructive of all fears - we will share more about that another time.)

Once we truly understand the Mind, its connection with God and our Body, and our minds’ purpose, we can no longer live by focusing on our current circumstances. One of the six faculties of the conscious mind is our imagination. The purpose we were created with an imagination it to be able to create the image of how we want things to be regardless of how our life presently is. The challenge is that for most people their imagination faculty peaks at about 8 or 9 years old and hasn’t been used much since. By the time we become a teenager we are told to get our head out of the clouds and be realistic. Most people become really good at imagining how terrible things will be, they become filled with doubt and worry. We must re-train our imagination, create beautiful pictures of exactly how we desire our life to be and then live in that image with faith, expectation and love.

Here are steps to re-focus your mind and re-train your imagination:

Step 1 - Know exactly what you want. Take out a pen and paper and write down what is NOT working in your life how you want it. Could your marriage be better? Do you have the money you need to do and buy the things you want to? Do you have an illness or are you often sick? Are you unhappy? Are you working at a job you hate? Do you live in a home or area you don’t like?

Step 2 - Now write out on another sheet of paper in present tense exactly how you do want each of those things to be. Don’t just write “I want a better relationship.” Write out, in detail exactly what you want to do have and become. For example, “I have a loving fulfilled relationship with my husband. We spend time every day together communicating and falling more in love. We enjoy frequent romantic times together, like walking along the beach hand in hand or sitting enjoying a coffee together.” Describe your life exactly how you want it to be.

Step 3 - Once you have completed that task, throw away or burn the first list you made of what is not working. You don’t want to read or focus on that ever again.

Step 4 - Re-read your new life at least twice a day. When you wake up first thing in the morning and just before you go to sleep at night. Just like a child pretend that it already is, add emotion to it as if it has already happened. Re-writing your new life increases clarity, emotion and expectation.

Step 5 – Only speak to others of how your new life is. Our words create our world so our confessions or what we speak out about our circumstances creates our circumstances. If you continually speak to others about what’s going wrong in your life then that is what you attract. Start speaking with excitement about how your new life looks.

Step 6 - Have Faith … only believe!

Many people just want good things to happen and want abundance and yet doubt about whether it can happen or worry about the worst happening. This is using the law of attraction to create a life that you don’t want as we will always attract what we emotionally focus on. Worry and doubt create the huge emotion of fear. We must LET God, let the power, work through us without being anxious about whether the end result will happen or not!

I think Jesus said it so well when he told us in Mark 11:24 “For this reason I say to you, Whatever you make a request for in prayer, have faith that it has been given to you, and you will have it.”

Note the words “Have faith that it HAS been given to you … and you WILL have it” Some translations say “If you have faith…” or “If you believe…”

Step 7 – Be expectant and grateful. Expectation propels you into action and draws you closer to your goals. If you really desire something in your life there are certain steps you must take. For example if you desired to travel to Hawaii for a holiday you would have to decide when you are going, buy a suit case, inquire about tickets, hotels etc. What do you need to do right now if you truly expect your new life?

Gratitude is the other key ingredient which is often overlooked by people but absolutely essential if you want to attract anything more into your life.

If you are grateful for what you already have and expect more with the faith that you will have it, your life will be filled with a greater abundance that you now cannot comprehend. You must be grateful for your new life as if you already have it!

There are conditions of receiving and that is first of all knowing what you want, asking, and then believing you have it already! In less than 30 days and very little effort you will completely alter your focus and bounce out of bed every day with the vision of your new life.

Your life and circumstances will begin to change and you will see miracles start to unfold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, David.

For all of you out there who have read THE SECRET, get ready for the next step. I read THE SECRET and loved it but felt kind of like the ideas were there but the applications were not. I was visualizing and working on attracting the things I desire into my life, but not much was happening. I wanted results.

So I decided to attend a few seminars and ended up at James Ray’s Harmonic Wealth Weekend. (James Ray was one of the teachers in The Secret.) I have to say the weekend was the most amazing two days imaginable! Talk about results – I was able to move past some major barriers that had been weighing me down for years and come up with decisive ways to bring more wealth into my life on an everyday basis. I highly recommend this weekend and James Ray’s new book, Harmonic Wealth, to anyone who is ready to actually make some changes and stop making excuses. My life is on the MOVE!

Here’s to making it happen: